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Los Angeles, CA, United States
πβφ VP Communications and a second year Business Economics major.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Pi Phi Scholarship Winner: Halsey DiSario

Recently, our VP of Member Development Halsey DiSario, received the Pi Beta Phi Foundation Sign of the Arrow Melissa Scholarship for Community Service and Philanthropy.  Since middle schools, she has been involved in a variety of community service projects such as volunteering in Latin America for the last two summers. While at UCLA, Halsey has worked as the Recruitment Director for "Amigos de UCLA", a student-run tutoring project for elementary and middle school students in mid-city LA.  Currently, Halsey is serving as a fellow at the UCLA Volunteer Center. Through that fellowship, she organized a campus-wide UCLA and Peace Corps joint volunteer event to beautify the new Los Angeles Veterans Housing Complex.  She is also working with the Constitutional Rights Foundation, a non-profit organization working to improve government and politics education nationally. Halsey is a third year Political Science and Spanish double major, and hopes to work in International Development after she graduates.  Congratulations Halsey, we're so proud of you!

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