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Los Angeles, CA, United States
πβφ VP Communications and a second year Business Economics major.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


On this fall day, the CA Delta chapter was able to initiate the New Member Fall 2013 class!  We are all so happy to be able to officially call them our sisters.  After the ceremony, we enjoyed Bella Pita mediterranean food and light hearted conversation.  Since Presents, so many of the Bigs have anticipated this day, when they knew they would be receiving customized pillows from their Littles, as well as giving their Littles their letters to wear with pride.

Presents was also a day to remember and celebrate.  After the parents arrived at the Pi Beta Phi house, everyone walked over to Fowler museum where we held our ceremony for the Bigs to present their Littles.  Then, we took pictures in front of Royce Hall and Powell Library.  The new members couldn't wipe the smiles off their faces, and the parents couldn't have been prouder.  We opened up the house for the families to stop by and eat food catered from StoneFire Grill and give their parents a tour of the house. All in all, it was a great day and one that will be cherished by all.

A big shout out and congratulations to our New Member coordinator, Amy Jones.  This is her last new member class, and she has done a fantastic job at making them all feel welcome.  She will be greatly missed as NMC, but we know she'll still be around to hang out with all the girls and give them advice on anything and everything.  

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Our Spring Quarter in Review

Spring Recruitment

To start off Spring Quarter 2013, we participated in Spring Recruitment.  We put a lot of work into it, and in the end it more than paid off because we got four amazing new girls!  Our Bid Day theme was Hawaiian Luau, complete with limbo and a tiki head piñata.  A big congratulations to our president, Shannon, and Vice President of Recruitment, Jen, for giving us such a successful recruitment.

From left: President Shannon, Nadia, Julia, New Member Coordinator Amy, Danielle, Cynthia, and VPM Jen
Hana breaks thpiñata!  Candy for all!

Beach Clean Up Philanthropy
From left: Juliette, Kendall, Kirsten, Danielle, Barbara
Shortly after recruitment, our Vice President of Philanthropy, Emma, organized a beach clean up for us to help in through Heal the Bay.  It was at Santa Monica Beach on a beautiful Saturday afternoon.  Who can complain about helping the environment while getting a tan?  Not us.  
From left: Esha, Sarah, Nikki, Giselle, Nicole

 Mom's Day
In May, we had our Mom's Day event to celebrate the women we love most.  We went to The Huntington Gardens and Library and had tea, strolled around the gardens, and saw the library and famous artwork. 

A few of our Pi Phis with their mothers at Mom's Day

Alumnae Tea
Our amazing AAC Chairs, Jennifer and Ann

As our last event for the school year, we hosted our annual Alumnae Tea at our house in June.  We had sandwiches, salads, tea, coffee and pastries and we were able to hear the alums' stories from when they were undergraduates.  We also had an etiquette presentation by Jules Hirst of Etiquette Consulting, Inc. where we learned (or re-learned) manners like passing the salt and pepper together and how to give a proper handshake.  The alums raved about what a great time they had and all the actives went away from the Tea with a greater understanding of what Pi Phi for Life truly means.  

Seniors Graduation

UCLA's head football coach, Jim Mora, couldn't resist taking a picture with our seniors

From Left: Lindsey, Rory, Liz, Mandy, Kaitlin, Alexandra, Nicole, Shaina
Ariana, Noelle, Tess
Micayla, Laura

Shelly, Roxy
Finally, the bittersweet day came when our beautiful seniors graduated.  They will always be remembered and loved, but now we get to call them our alumnae!  We wish them the best of luck in the real world and hope they all visit their Pi Phi home soon and often.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


On March 3rd we set took Disneyland by storm for one of the best sisterhoods of all time.  It was an early morning since we had to be on the buses by 7 AM, which is a struggle no matter what time you go to bed.  As soon as we were on the bus though, the half-closed, sleepy eyes were wide awake singing Disney classics like "A Girl Worth Fighting For" from Mulan, and "A Whole New World" from Aladdin.  

Once we got to Disneyland we took a big group photo, then split up into smaller groups.  Some groups went to Space Mountain first, others went to Indiana Jones, some even went to Mickey's Toontown.

We met up again at Pizza Port to eat lunch and build up our energy.  We went shopping to get the Disneyland essentials, like Minnie ears, sweatshirts or candy.  Then there were hours upon hours of the best rides like Thunder Mountain, Matterhorn, Pirates of the Caribbean, Splash Mountain and Astro Blasters.

Pi Phi + Disney = Love      
We were able to watch the water show and fireworks to end the night on an inspirational "dreams do come true" feeling.  Right before the park closed we grabbed funnel cakes and crepes and then headed back to the buses.  We all had such a fun time and we hope we can return to The Happiest Place on Earth soon!  

It's a Small World After All!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Come on Down to The Price Is Right!

We were up bright and early on November 26th to board the buses at 7:30 and make our way over to the CBS headquarters where they film The Price Is Right. 
We all got our name tags (who knew that they personally handwrite each one?!) and then we were interviewed as a group by the producer of the show. Entering into the actual set was surreal! It was very psychadelic with bright colors all sparkling and flashing and then out walked Drew Carey! He actually addressed one of our members right away and started asking her questions!

We were lucky enough to be put in the 3rd and 4th rows right in the middle. The audience was amazing and so full of energy that it made the entire experience so enjoyable for all of us. The entire taping took about an hour and a half during which one of our members got called down to bid! We were all so excited to watch one of the contestants win a new car and a trip to New Zealand! 

Overall, we could not have asked for a better experience! And the best part is, CBS donates $10 per person to the philanthropy of our choice! Yay literacy!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Jumpin' for Joy!

Our very first event with our new members made us bouncy with happiness, literally! We went to Sky High: a place filled with trampolines!
Many of our girls had mad jumping skills where others were happy just to not fall on our faces.

One very entertaining part was when we all watched each other bounce from a trampoline into a large pit filled with foam blocks. Some of the more daring Pi Phi's even did a flip into it! Getting into the pit was easy, but climbing out of it took some serious effort. Who knew that foam could be so hard to navigate!

We were all sweating and so tired by the end, but very happy. Both the trampolines and our new sisters really lifted our spirits!

P.S. Sorry for all the awful puns. Sometimes I just can't resist.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Bid Night 2012

After a long and stressful recruitment we were rewarded by New Member class of 55 girls! On September 30th we waited anxiously in front of the house for our beautiful new angels to come running down the row.

Our bid night was a Carnival! It included games such ring toss, Pi Phi pong, Tic Tac Toss and many more!

If coordination wasn't your strong suit, we had airbrush tattoos that were customized specifically for Pi Phi as well as a photo booth complete with props!

A carnival isn't complete without some deep fried food and candy! We had corn dogs of many different varieties--pepperjack corn dog anyone? Yum!--as well as popcorn fresh from the machine, cotton candy, and an entire candy buffet!

There was even a live band that played classics like "Jessie's girl" and "Are you gonna be my girl?" for those of us that love to dance the night away!

The night concluded with a raffle with amazing Pi Phi themed prizes! By the end of the night we were exhausted, but couldn't be happier with our new members! They were outgoing, energetic, and so much fun to be with! We love our new sisters!!