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Los Angeles, CA, United States
πβφ VP Communications and a second year Business Economics major.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


On March 3rd we set took Disneyland by storm for one of the best sisterhoods of all time.  It was an early morning since we had to be on the buses by 7 AM, which is a struggle no matter what time you go to bed.  As soon as we were on the bus though, the half-closed, sleepy eyes were wide awake singing Disney classics like "A Girl Worth Fighting For" from Mulan, and "A Whole New World" from Aladdin.  

Once we got to Disneyland we took a big group photo, then split up into smaller groups.  Some groups went to Space Mountain first, others went to Indiana Jones, some even went to Mickey's Toontown.

We met up again at Pizza Port to eat lunch and build up our energy.  We went shopping to get the Disneyland essentials, like Minnie ears, sweatshirts or candy.  Then there were hours upon hours of the best rides like Thunder Mountain, Matterhorn, Pirates of the Caribbean, Splash Mountain and Astro Blasters.

Pi Phi + Disney = Love      
We were able to watch the water show and fireworks to end the night on an inspirational "dreams do come true" feeling.  Right before the park closed we grabbed funnel cakes and crepes and then headed back to the buses.  We all had such a fun time and we hope we can return to The Happiest Place on Earth soon!  

It's a Small World After All!

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