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Los Angeles, CA, United States
πβφ VP Communications and a second year Business Economics major.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

First President's Letter

I am so pleased to be writing my first letter as president of CA Delta Pi Beta Phi. CA Delta has been so busy this year, both on campus at UCLA and within our surrounding community. This year, we have really reached out to local organizations such as local grade schools in order to further Pi Beta Phi’s official philanthropic effort: literacy. 
In early February, we held a large self-defense workshop in which every Panhellenic sorority on campus took part. We worked with an organization called ‘TAKE Defense’ that specializes in self-defense for young women. After an increase in awareness with regard to the safety of sorority row on behalf of all Panhellenic chapters, our TAKE Defense workshop was more successful than ever. 
Pi Phi also actively participated in UCLA’s annual Greek Week, which is designed to bring all of the Greek organizations on campus together. We were assigned to the Green Team and participated in academic and physical games such as relay races, pie eating contests, flag football, and many other fun activities. At the Greek Gala celebrating the end of Greek Week, Pi Phi was awarded for obtaining the highest ranking in Standards of Excellence Points. 

We also celebrated the founding of Pi Beta Phi at Knott’s Berry Farm with all the local chapters in the area. Our first annual Alumnae Tea was a huge success. Our chapter loved meeting Pi Phi alumnae, some of whom had been Pi Phis for over 50 years! 

Spring quarter is here, and it is always a very exciting time at CA Delta. We will be holding our Mom’s Day event and our annual Arrowspike Volleyball Tournament to raise money for Pi Phi’s philanthropy Links to Literacy. As we mentioned in previous newsletters, our house was recently remodeled and we welcome all parents to stop by and see the changes! 

Peace, Love, Pi Phi,

Madeline Triplett

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