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Los Angeles, CA, United States
πβφ VP Communications and a second year Business Economics major.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Spring Bid Night 2012!

Pi Beta Phi anxiously awaited our 7 new members of the Spring Pledge Class on Friday, April 13th. Despite the unlucky date, the house was full of laughter and cheering as the new Angels arrived.

They were greeted with a stick full of fresh cotton candy made right in front of our house. The carnival theme continued with a popcorn machine and every other delicious snack available!

After the New Members mingled and got to meet some of their new sisters we sat down for an old-fashioned game of Bingo!

There were even amazing prizes! Lululemon yoga mat and head band, a Pi Phi case for a phone and a froyo gift card were just a few of the prizes.

Tess took on the important job of
calling bingo numbers!

Every girl thoroughly enjoyed herself and even if she didn't win a prize, the time spent with her sisters was even more               memorable and precious!

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