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Los Angeles, CA, United States
πβφ VP Communications and a second year Business Economics major.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Arrowdash: A Race for Literacy

As many of you know, Pi Beta Phi's philanthropy is FirstBook. An organization that is dedicated to promoting literacy for children. This year our fundraiser was a 5K race! This was a brand new event for us and turned out to be so much fun! We chose to do a race because we really wanted everyone to be involved. From alums, to students, to Greeks, to faculty, this race was perfect for everyone! Although the route was mostly uphill, people crossed the finish line smiling!

ADPi pulled out the Big Guns for this race!

Sigma Nu went for a Hawaiian theme

Pike's firemen costumes were a spark of genius!

The race was split into individual runners and groups. Individual runners were competing for the top 3 times. Groups (mostly fraternities and sororities) were scored cross country style and could also dress up in themed costumes to gain extra points. We had a great turnout and a beautiful morning.

After the race, we all headed to Sunset Recreation to celebrate our fight for literacy. There were prizes given out for games such as Pie a Pi Phi and Speed Reading. And finally, the winner of the groups was announced...Congratulations Pike! Your commitment to the costumes and your grueling training paid off!

The Finish Line!

"Pie a Pi Phi" got a bit out of hand

The winners!
Thank you to everyone who participated in Arrowdash and we cannot wait to see you again next year! Go Literacy!

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